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Fashion Accessories For Bycicle


If your bicycle is a part not only of your daily exercises, but also of your everyday life, you have to be always informed about new gadgets and fashion accessories for bicycle riders. No matter if you are planning a long bicycle trip across the country or you just would like to be well equipped, there are some not only useful, but also nice items you can have as a bicycle enthusiast.

Cycling clothes

  • Cycling clothes. No, these are not just nice elastic suits for cycling. The fashion high tech cycling clothes are illuminated! New materials with incorporated microscopic light reflectors are used for design of fashion vests, jackets and helmet covers. They make the body of the cyclists visible in the darkness on the same way the lights of the cars are making the road signs visible. During the day, when the light is enough, the cycling clothes have the look of regular stylish clothes. IllumiNITE® is one of the sport brands, which offer light reflecting cycling clothes and accesoires.
  • Cyclocomputer. This gadget for bicycle riders is a must if you would like to track out your everyday ridings and follow up the improvement of your cycling abilities. Many people confess that the cyclocomputer keeps their motivation for regular exercising. Actually, these “smart” accessories do everything you need: they show you the speed of the bicycle, time and distance travelled, average calories burnt, heart rate and many other characteristics of your training. If equipped with a GPS system, the cyclocomputer can show you the new routes and to store the old ones. Forget about paper maps and trust your new gadget!
  • Saddles. Though for many people saddles cannot sound very fashionable, actually the modern bicycles have stylish and high-tech “seats”. The new saddles are products of the up-to-date findings of the ergonomic design and make the riding safer and comfortable, regardless of the distance. There are special saddles for men, which support the tailbones and assure better ventilation of the groins. Women saddles have wider support on the back with decreased pressure of the cut-out on the female soft tissues.
  • Lights. They are so special fashion accessories for bicycle riders, that they can be placed everywhere. First, stylish lights stay on the top of the helmets. These headlights are extremely powerful as they can show you everything in the direction of your eyes. But this is not enough. On the second place you may install a high tech headlight on your handlebar, like the Cateye 220 model. An optical lens technology is used in this headlight, making it flash in the darkness. This way the bicycle is visible by the others means of transport, whilst the batteries are used slowly. On the contrary side of the technology is the K2 model of Nite Hawk: it emits steady light due to revolutionary microprocessor control. You may ride more than 4 hours in the darkness with the special battery of the headlight. The fashion gadget can be installed either on the bicycle handlebar or in the helmet.
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